Intersol and Indico formalise their strategic partnership

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    • After only seconds the accuracy and completeness of written notes starts to fail as the fallibility of memory kicks in.
    • The notetaker will only record what they think is relevant (inner editor)
    • Listening skills are degraded significantly when written notes are taken
    • The interviewee will provide 'clipped' responses
    • Vital information and risk can be overlooked or ignored
    • Written notes compound investigation biases
    • Audio recorded interviews elicit significantly more reliable detail
  • Recording enables reflective practice and performance monitoring
  • Recording enables 'best-evidence' to be secured and 'cold stored' without contamination
  • Recording immediately refutes any challenge re accuracy and ethics.

Investigations and Inquiries alter, sometimes cost, lives. Knowing this would you want your account of critical events misinterpreted or misrepresented (consciously or otherwise) by a workplace investigator, HR officer, manager, or lawyer?The Indico/Intersol solution combines technology with subject matter expertise to ensure that the decisions YOU make can be based on reliable and accurate facts and detail, NOT third party interpretation of what THEY think is relevant to you or your enquiry.Indicos CEO, Stig Knutsen and Intersol CEO, Ian Hynes, (pictured above in a police suspect interview room) have worked closely over many months to develop a holistic solution that fulfils the demands of investigations to deliver 'best evidence' and have now applied that solution proportionately to meet the growing needs of workplace inquiries.Maybe you've been a victim of serious workplace misconduct?Perhaps a whistleblower that wants your account forensically captured?You may have been seriously abused or assaulted and want to store your account until YOU decide what to do with it?You've been accused of misconduct and want an unambiguous recording of meetings?The team at Intersol can now help you as the first in the world to enable the forensic capture of your testimony to empower and protect you, to respect your memory as a crime scene and not 'set you up to fail' by multiple re-interviews or prolonged exposure to contaminating material, even to enable the catharsis of just 'telling your story' to someone.Our state of the art facilities will add real value to your 'case', Intersol are 'the difference that makes the difference' and if you'd like to know more about the Indico recorder or our services just email for free and confidential advice. [/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


Intersol CEO Presents at Rail Health and Safety Conference. (Paying for investigation training? – Don’t just certificate – accredit!)


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