How do YOU deliver on the Office for Students (OfS) ‘Statement of Expectations’?The OfS “statement of expectations for preventing and addressing harassment and sexual misconduct affecting students in higher education” identifies 7 key ‘should do’ recommendations to support higher education providers in England to develop and implement consistent and effective systems, policies, and processes to prevent and respond to incidents of harassment and sexual misconduct.They can be read in full here.With their strategic partners, Intersol Global support universities to deliver on all those expectations whether by training, advising, or ‘rolling their sleeves up' and delivering “an investigatory process that is demonstrably fair, independent, and free from any reasonable perception of bias” (OfS Expectation 6.3).We are an international team of trauma-trained qualified investigators who train, qualify, advise, and investigate. We ‘walk the talk’ and:

  • are a retained service for 11 Universities
  • have trained over 600 university staff
  • have completed over 100 serious and complex misconduct investigations
  • support universities with (consistent) policy and strategy

The well-being of ALL university stakeholders, staff and students are paramount so our investigation advice and planning service is free to the point of commission.If you see the value of ‘investing to save’ and want to deliver on the OfS statement contact the team at Intersol Global either by email at or call us for more information on +44 (0) 1925 982680.


Intersol Global add mediation to their suite of investigation services.


Tackling harassment and sexual misconduct guide