'A questioning mindset could have stopped many a scandal'

In a recent BBC news article regarding the BHS collapse, audit failures & hefty fines, Intersol Global's CEO, Ian Hynes spoke with the BBC about the importance and timing of auditing for small and large corporations. Intersol Global were appointed as an external consultant & trainer for HSBC.

A snippet from the article:Auditing "should be seen as an asset that's valuable, that adds value to the business that helps secure, protect reputations, lives, careers, save the entities' money". Ian Hynes

His business as a trainer in these skills "has been termed the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, and it frustrates the life out of me that we ended up getting commissioned when the damage is being done." - Ian HynesRead the full article here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-54056046

Get in touch to see how Intersol Global's Training services can help your business: info@intersolglobal.co.uk


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